Thursday, July 10, 2008


Tents, sleeping bags, flashlights, stories around the campfire, smore's, hiking, fishing, relaxation, dirt, and more dirt. That is how I remember camping growing up, we would go up the mountain and not come home till we were finished, I loved it and I cherish the moments we had together, and I will never forget that, BUT-

Now that I have been married for quite some time, we have grown accustom to the ways of the Tongan camp outs. We have been in the Tongan Ward for a long time, and every year we go up to the mountains for a few days with our ward over the 4Th of July holidays. Let me just explain why we can't wait to go each year-

It takes my family about 2 days to get ready to go to camp, we have to dig out some of the warm clothes, so it takes awhile to organize day by day clothes. Now I know your thinking to yourselves once again, hey lady, your going to camp why all the clothes? Let me tell you that I cannot stand my kids to look dirty, it is one thing that they ARE dirty up there, but I refuse for them to look the part. We pack all our loot, and are usually one of the last to get up there, we start to unpack our vehicles and you can hear people laughing at us, most of the Tongans will tease our family, because we take soo much loot up to camp...

We set up tent and unpack, yes I said unpack, then the fun begins. I really don't know how to explain the fun, but we are a very close ward, and being that we are up there with a bunch of Tongans-there could be nothing to do, but you could have the best time of your life.

We do have a lot of games up there, and everyone participates, it is very hot up there around 90 degrees, so in the day time, my children wear summer clothes, and at sunset there is a call for everyone to get mosquito repellent on. After about a hour, we line up to change into about 3 layers of clothing, pants, shirt, long sleeve shirt, and a jacket, it is a lot of work just for a few days up there but I'd do it again and again. At dark we have a program at the pavilion, hula, dancing, and such, then it is not off to bed, in fact after the kids go to bed, us parents and youth, stay up almost all night long, talking, laughing, and yes EATING!!!

I feel like I am rambling so I will stop, but just wanted to let you all know that if ever invited to a Tongan function, Don't miss it, and you will never regret it...

It was loud, it was hilarious, it was unforgettable, and like usual we once again become closer to one another, and closer to our heavenly father...Oku ou ofa lahi kiate kimoutolu.. ( I love you all very much).
See!! reading my blog is very bad for you, it might make you dumberrr, but reading it will help you if you ever walk into a dark alley and there are a bunch of BIG TONGAN MEN there.

13 coments:

Amy said...

SOunds like a ton of fun... I am a little nervous about the dirty kids too. I only have three and the oldest 2 prefer looking I only have control over Miss Meg. I am not a real camper... kindof a freak about it actually. I am glad you all had a great time!

Becky said...

oh, looks like a blast! I will never go camping in Tennessee...too many mutated bugs and blood sucking ones, too! I wouldn't mind it in Utah so much!

tiki_lady said...

We went to a tongan ward camp out five or six years ago when we were in Utah. It was in Toole, mosquito bay or something. I felt a little out of place but the food was good and the company fun. We went with friends of ours. The Taufa's

Holly H. said...

Devri, do you know the Taito's? And, is there more than one tongan ward? They live by me and our boys are good friends. Just thought I'd check.

Looks like you had a fun time... but where are the pics of YOU?

samiam said...

Sounds like fun! When the hubby was in the Army we would have lots of BBQ's and everyone would show up to eat. A bunch of his friends were Samoan and maybe Tongan? All I know is they have one heck of a BBQ and the food was great! Also the Oldest guy there made all of the soldiers clean my house before they left. It was nice!

Cole said...

Next time there's a camp out, Let. Me. Know. I love food. I can eat, alot. I can give my 6'4" brother in law a run for his money in the buffet line. And when there is roasted pig involved I KNOW it's a good time!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...


This is ashley from TCBOTB, thanks for all of your fun comments in the forum to help our users out, I answer your question in there about how to upload your own backgrounds, so be sure to go check it out, also, make sure that the backgrounds you upload are 14.5 inches wide, and 11 inches tall and 100 resolution.


Ashley - TCBOTB

Omgirl said...

That sounds like an absolute blast. I loved ward camp outs as a kid. Our ward, though just Michiganders, not Tongans, was very close. And having lived in Fiji for a while, I know how polynesians can party! I bet your camp outs are the best!!

Family said...

sooooooooooosssssoooooooooooosoooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! Elaiasi is to cute playing ball!

Devri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I wish my ward did stuff like that. It looks so fun!! I remember when I was little we had a hawaiian bishop and lots of tongan people in the ward. They sure do know how to have fun, those polynesians!! Do you ever feel lonely being a toal white girl, or are you fitting in pretty well? Have fun!!

Renee said...

I don't love camping, but yummy food would get me out there!!! Especially roast pig. MMMMMMmmmmm.

Mia said...

I don't love camping either, but it looks like so much fun. Love all the cute pictures!