I want to wish my hubby a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! ofa lahi atu!
Hope your dh's had a wonderful day yesterday! again, love you Maka, your the best dad my kids could have.
Whoot Whoot Aanya! She went to her STATE gymnastics competition. She did sooooo great,
She took 3rd on beam, 3rd on bars, 2nD of floor, and 1st on vault. Gooo Aanya!!!! love you!
Did you sign up to win my giveaway? If not, go enter here for a APPLE IPOD Touch!

OK, here is a random question for you..
I saw in my kitchen 2 flies mating.....NOOOOOO
Not in my kitchen..
how bout you, would you kill them?
(at least they died happy right?!) tee hee!
19 coments:
First--Happy Anniversary!!
Second--I TOTALLY would have killed them!!
Best day for an Anniversary, EVER!
My husband has been trying to kill various types of flying things. (We've had the screen door open while building our deck) I've heard him say daily, "How come we don't have a fly swater?"
Ansewr: Because it's so funny watching him swing at something he'll never hit ;)
I'm not sure if I would even realize they were mating. I would think they were just wrestling. I'm pure and innocent.
Happy Anniversary to you and hubby!
Yes! In a New York instant!
Ewww I don't know how I feel about the mating flies???
Happy Anniversary!
Flies are gross, even more so when they're mating. Maggots are the fruits of that song and dance and worse than flies, are their maggot babies. Yuck!!!
Happy Anniversary, Congratulations Aanya, and definitely kill the flies!
yes, i would have killed them. and yes, they died happy. LOL
I'm not signing for the ipod because we already have one. Happy anniversary!
Happy, happy Anniversary! And yes, I agree with Jillene--the flies has gots to go!
Happy Anniverary, Congrats to your talented daughter and TOTALLLY...KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL them!!!
Happy Anniversary :)
Without hesitation...splat!
Kill the stinking things!
happy anniversary!
Tweet Tweet!
Aanya you ROCK!!
Happy anniversary, awesome job Aanya, and I would have totally killed the flies too!
Hope you had a wonderful anniversary!
Yes, the flies gotta go. They are not my friends.
I have 2 i-pods so I won't be signing but luv your new site.
The flies would DIE... no question!
Happy Aniversary!! Two dead flies are better than a zillion more any day! Never a shortage of those nasty things, Die little pesky things DIE!!!!
Flies...ugh. Yeah, get rid of them. They barf on everything and eat their barf...I have heard anyhow. Fun post....hope you are well.
Good job, Aanya! (BTW, I love your kids' names.) How did she do in the all-around? Also, what level is she? You may have mentioned this before and I just don't remember.
I found your blog through someone else's; don't remember now whose. I love how honest and open you are.
Hope you have a great day!
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