Tuesday, July 1, 2008


(Random thought)-

I feel like a change, I designed my own blog, I did a new post, now I am going to get a haircut..

I have two relatives and two friends husbands serving for our country right now. It is hard to imagine what they go through everyday, just for us, for our happiness, for our freedom, and for our lives.

Family's, wives, friends, parents, kids, aunts and uncles, cousins take their loved ones to the airbase, with broken hearts but also a sense of pride in them. They kiss each other good bye and carry and eternal prayer in hopes that everything will be alright and that they will return home unharmed.

The time comes to re-unite. Parents with open arms, tears in joy in their eyes, and children squealing with excitement running towards their mother or their father, it's hard to imagine that a few of those family members aren't there that sent them off, hard to believe the unthinkable.

My dear friend was not there to meet her husband, she unfortunately was one who was not there, her brave husband was seriously injured in the line of fire. She is a mother of 5, with her youngest only being 1 in age. He is not able to come home, and she is not able to be with him, so many miles away, so far apart, she and all of us are thankful that he is alive, but so sad at the same time.

There is so many fun things to celebrate the 4Th of July, we will be going to our annual camp out with our ward for the rest of the week, parade, and so on, but when we are having a great o' time, lets stop and give thanks to the ones who really deserve it, the ones fighting for our happiness, our freedom and our lives.

I have another reason to celebrate today, I just clicked on the spellcheck, and this was the first time that I did not have to fix anything...Nuttin' like tootin' my own horn..TOOOOOT TOOOOOOOT!!!!

10 coments:

palmtreelover said...

Thanks for sharing that girl, love the new layout...Tooot for that

Brenda said...

We have a close relative serving there too. I can't imagine the sacrifice! Thanks for the great post.

Holly H. said...

What a great post! Thanks for the reminder!

Unknown said...

I love it when I get a "no mispellings found"...it's like Christmas.

I am so grateful for our servicemen. I wish they all could come home safely.

samiam said...

This is a great post! My husband served in Iraq, it is one of the proudest things that he has ever done. My brother is scheduled to go next year. These Men and Women sacrafice so much for our country, the families are the backbone to these people so the support is wonderful. Enjoy the 4th!

Holly H. said...

Devri! You crack me up! It's so fun to get on to my blog and be so surprised with something different! I might have to send you different pics of the boys that are horizontal so they aren't so squished. What do you think? I love the layout though! You are so cute. Thanks again!

Family said...

Happy fourth Dev. You and my nieces and nephews play SAFE!

Kristie said...


Amy said...

Go ahead and toot your own horn... 1st for a great new layout and second for a really great post. I am from SOuthern Utah and the National Guard 222 from Beaver to St. George went to Iraq a couple of years a go. I had 2 cousins, 10+ friends and just a bulk of people from little towns. Luckily nobody was killed and only a handful were hurt. It gave me a new sense of pride for the soldiers. I think it is important to remember and be greatful. Thanks for stopping us from fireworks, parties and fun for just a second to think about those far away serving our country...also their families. It is harder than any of us would ever dream I am sure.

Ashly said...

Good job with the website. And a good reminder for all of us. By the way, I would love to go swimming. When are you going?