These things happened not in any particular order just happened, warning it's random, back away now if you want to, but I warned you at least....
Labor Day-
Wanted to swim, nope, raining, wanted to see movie, nope, seen them all, so what is a family to do?
Bowling, nope, went to 3 bowling lanes, all had a 2 hour wait, Maka had to go to work, so just played the arcade games at the bowling center, and went out to eat at a resturant.
Aanya beatin' dad!!!!
Leila and Elaiasi racing each other..
Maka had to play with the little kids, cuz I kept beatin' his brown bum
This was broken, but they couldn't stay off.
Showin' the Loot ;)
Lavi's Part one birthday!!!!!She wanted me to take a photo of her birthday crown!!!!
Can she be any cuter?
She has loved tinkerbell since she was a baby.. Can't wait for the movie to come out she says..
Baby not included, he was taking a time out- yea so he is 4 months old,
My most excellent bloggin bud mailed me this aloha glitter cup.. So Lavi asked if she could have it for her b-day- couldn't resist.. Thanks Amy.
Mohekonokono was screaming for about 15 minutes in the car before I finally snapped, I got out of the car(which we were on the freeway, opened his side, gave him a push pop lolipop, and got back in he was quite for the rest of the trip..(I know, hate me).
When I took his car seat in the house, looked down at him and this is what I found.
Nice mom!!!
On our way home from somewhere, I had noticed this car infront of me. I noticed that it wasn't in very great shape, then noticed a father and a mother in the front seats, I reckoned that it was somekind of work vehicle becuase there was no backseats to it. Then all of the sudden, a little head popped up in the back seat. Holy cow this little girl wasn't in a carseat, a seatbelt, or a back seat... I thought ok, excuse my bad language here, but It just looked like white trash.. Then at another stop site, 3 more kids popped up, little kids roaming free in the no seat- back of the van. Do you want to know what was the worse thing about it was,,, look closely at the photo, go ahead, I'll just mark your spot like this (Returning Spot), did you notice that the parents in the front seat, both wearing, yep you saw right!! SEATBELTS... Now do you see why this was worth posting about!!!!! I will not judge (too harshly), But come on people, if you don't care about your childrens safety, why do you care about your own?
Kids ride a total of soon to be 4 different busses a day. Here is the elementary morning bus.
Kindergarten bus that brings home Lavi
Afternoon bus
Preschool bus
Shaweet bus system here don't ya's think?
Thanks for bearing with me, next time won't be soooo long.. I promise. ;)
19 coments:
I would have been on the phone telling the police the make and model of the car and where they can catch them! I get very upset about that too!! Nice graphics by the way!
Your kids are sooo stinkin gorgeous! I love your layouts too :)
Okay, a couple of things that I love abt your post.
Love fun times with the whole family.
Love fun birthdays for beautiful girls wearing hair crowns.
Love the blue face, eye hands and everywhere else the blue sucker touched.
Love your keen sense of observation and your photo/driving skillz. And was that van being held together with tape?
Hate that any child is ever w/o a seat belt.
Lavi is so pretty and her hair is fabulous!! Happy Birthday kiddo! I love the blue baby, you do what you can. I'm while Angie, I would have been calling the cops on the van people.
Love the picture of Kono and the blue face. Hey girl you gotta do what you gotta do! I agree Lavi's hair is amazing... what a beauty. =)
You guys must have taken up the whole arcade!! Love it.
That was one busy week! Glad you had a good time together this week.
that picture of your baby with the blue mouth is soooo darn cute! i love it! my kids and i were just laughing at it. you are an awesome mama! :)
When do we get to see a picture of your husbands face?
Thanks for the fun commenting award. I LO-OVE reading yor blog! I have been crazy busy this week and I am just barely getting to sit and catch up and relax:)
WHAT??? No seats and by default no belts!?? I would have driven by and motioned to my phone and said CPS!!! I know my parents were allowed to drive us around like that, but when you know better you do better C'mon!!
HAPPY B-DAY Lavi!! I just love your girls hair.
4 busues? You would think with gas prices they would plan a little better.
You have had a busy weelk I sure hope you get to relax:)
Devri- I love that you had you camera ready and in hand to take pics of the that most sickening ocurrance. How do people justify putting their own safety before their kids? Love you blog. So fun.
Gorgeous daughters
Beautiful Blue Baby
Fun Family
Well done, wrapping up weekly events
You have an amazing family..
I love their names...
i saw the tinkerbell preview last night, looks so cute! I've always loved tink, too.
Where were push pop lollipops when I had screaming babies? Seriously, those could have come in handy. Little bit of advice: Stick to the lollipops. We were once on a cross country trip and I gave my one year old gum to calm him down... which it did. The only problem was when I turned back around after about an hour, he was fast asleep and it looked like he was entombed in a spider web... only it was a gum "spider web." No kidding. Wrapped all the way around him several times. Wish I'd had a camera!
Love the birthday pics and that your daughter wanted a glitter cup. I too NEED a glitter cup. I am just as angry as you about the parents in seat belts and not the kids. This makes me SOOOOO angry.
hi devri :) I know I am terrible at the blogging thing!! but I don't have a bunch of cute kids to blog about--your fam is so cute!! I am so sorry about your husband is this recent or has he recovered? let me know talk to you soon!
Are those really your kids' buses? Sweet!
Super gorgeous hair!
You had a very busy week. And look at those fun buses.
You are much more kind than I am by wiping out that license plate. :)
And see, I told you I would catch up all at once as soon as I got a chance.
Now that my kids are all in school and my hubby just started his practice, I am working with him 1/2days, and it absolutely KILLING my blogging sorry for being a slacker.
My baby is blue like his auntie, lavi is gorgeous like her monmmy
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