Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spiritual Sunday!

This is my favorite artwork. It tells so much. A woman holding a baby looking outside the window where life is uncertain. But inside she knows her roll in motherhood.. Go see the large photo here.


are beloved spirit daughters of God,
and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction.
As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotionto Jesus Christ,
our Savior and Exemplar.We are women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity who:

Increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study.

Seek spiritual strength by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriages, families, and homes.

Find nobility in motherhoodand joy in womanhood.

Delight in service and good works.

Love life and learning.

Stand for truth and righteousness.

Sustain the priesthood as the authority of God on earth.

Rejoice in the blessings of the temple, understand our
our divine destiny, and strive for exaltation.

I heard a group of mothers talking the other day, I was quite shocked to here the converstation they were having.

One lady asked the group if she was the only one who felt unapriateative, useless, and worth nothing.

I about died, I was not close enough to go over there and shove my mouth to their conversation, but I felt bad for this group..

Do they not who they are?

Sometimes my role as a mother is overwelming. Sometimes I feel like I need a break, but never have I felt useless.

Woman, our role on this earth is to nurture and care for our young ones.
I feel that the most important thing on this earth is to teach your children, so that they can be strong, faithful, and loving.

Our role is to stregthen our family inside the home.

Our role is to uplift.

Our role is to visit those in need, or just need a friend.

Our role is to Stand for Truth and Rightesnous.

Remember who you are and why you are here.

You are worth it.. You are amazing.

Oku ou ofa lahi atu..

13 coments:

Kristina P. said...

Beautiful sabbath post, Devri. I haven't been feeling well this weekend, so I'm not at church today, so this was a great reminder!

Becca said...

Thanks for your post. I think we all have the tendency to get bogged down in the tedium of motherhood and it's so nice to have reminders of just how important the job we do is!

Aquaspce said...

great post Devri thankyou

Melissa P said...

That is my favorite picture. I have it hanging in my living room. That is a great reminder of what our purpose is on this earth. Thanks for that reminder.

Shannon said...

What a sweet picture.

gigi said...

Amen again, you always manage to inspire.
Thanks and Happy Sunday.

Jan said...

That is so sad. I think that we can all use a reminder of how important are role is as a mother and daughter of God. Thanks Devri. I am sad to hear those mothers words.

Appreciate your thoughts very much. I did your testimony tag too. It was a blessing to me. Thanks.

Renee said...

I've never heard that before, only the YW values.

I think it's a great blessing to be a member of a church that values motherhood and families. I agree, sometimes I feel tired and discouraged, but never useless!!!

Jamie said...

Your testimony and strength are an inspiration to me. Motherhood, the hardest adventure I have ever set out on. I wouldn't give it up for anything:)

CaryManda said...

devri, you gave me the kick in the bum that i needed this day.
Thank You! :)
Happy Sabbath!

Shauna said...

I l♥ve that picture also! Great post!
♥ Hugs!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I looooooooooooove that picture too, it's so beautiful and I love your thoughts along with it, perfect!

hoLLy said...

i LOVE that picture too. i bought it for my mom for mother's day one year.