Thank you to all my friends who shouted me out last week for my Giveway! I promise not to beg anymore (unless nesessary) wink, wink.

I promise that I will get back to blogging, but I have had a lot of Custom Background orders. But I wanted to tell you about this little GIVEAWAY goin' on..... Week 2 Giveaway!!
Nintendo Wii

For Christmas we recieved a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. We already have the Sony Playstation Eye Toy, (which I think is better)
So I want to give this to a lucky winner! And their is also a FREE Custom Background to win also for Twitter, if you do not have a Twitter account, I'd be willing to do a Custom Blog Background for those who don't have a account with Twitter!
So Let the game begin. This one ends July 10th...
Enter here at the Tweetest Backgrounds blog.
Rules are-
1 entry = leave a comment at here.
3 entries= Shout it out!
And of course 15 entries for anyone who orders a Custom Background from
25 coments:
I want the tongan men not the pig how about that? JK I don't think my hawaiian husband would like that. I have enjoyed reading you blog and your updates. We should get together sometime. :)
Hey friend! I've been missing you! I WANT THE PIG! I LOOOOVVVEEEEE roast pig! Can't take the men hubby would FLIP!
sign me up for the wii.. or the pig :)
I am good for a Wii...although Paige did ask for a pony yesterday! Ha!
Wii's do not require feeding or baording so I am in for the wii!!! I do not have a twitter account but I would love a free blog background. I have had an idea for a while but I am not so computer savy sometimes.I will shout you out as soon as I get uninterrrupted computer time, I am off to referee a fight.
ooh wii's are cool. great excercise!
My kids would so love a wii
webowes at hotmail dot com
I shouted you out at
webowes at hotmail dot com
#2 I shouted you out at
webowes at hotmail dot com
#3 I shouted you out at
webowes at hotmail dot com
My kids would love this prize! Thanks for the chance to win!
Holy big lipped cow, this is like a bigger than big. This is Wii. Hello. Awesome.
What a giver you are! And, was it just me, or did you slip some cow tongue when you kissed me? LOL
Will be pimping you shortly....
Me want Wii.
Suh-weet!!!!!!!! You are so awesome! How fun!
Pick me! Pick me! I didnt get picked last time. Pick me. I will shout you out again...
I want a wii. I haven't even opened my blog hardly ever. My husband won't buy my kids one. Maybe if I win one he will let them get one. I will shout you out on my blog.
Wii, Wii, Wii all the way home to my house!!!
La la wants the pony to live in her room. ;)
You are keepin busy girl!
hope your havin a fun summer.
Thanks for the slap on the butt! hehe! That was funny!
We have never owned any type of video games...but this will make me skinny, right?
I'll take the wii! Does it come with a visit to california? Maybe you could came out here and hang with me at the beach.
What a fun giveaway! Wii for me, please!
We already have one, so I'd like to cast my vote to Ordinary Miracles. She is my peep IRL and I just love her and her kiddos. They need it!!
We would like a wii!
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