Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pandemic Swine Flu

Ok at least at my house.. Their are 8 out of the 9 infected with the H1N1 flu. We were so very good to isolate Aanya from the rest, cleaned the bathroom when ever she went into it, and locked her in her room from the day she came home with a fever from school.

Btw- Their will probably be a pandemic at their school.. The day I called Aanya's school her principal told me that their were 12 kids out of Aanya's class that day.. And to make things worse, I sent my children to school on Monday,(the other 4 girls) because they didn't have any signs of it, and the test hadn't came back yet. But that night before they all went to sleep, Everyone including the baby boys had the SWINE FLU. ugh

I was handling it pretty good, until I woke up Tuesday morning with the full blown flu.

We either are baby's... Or we got a very bad strain of it.. yuck.. Someone said that theirs was like a very bad cold..

Ours is like death.. really.. So much worse than a regular flu 2 out of us already have pneumonia and i think i might.

Question...... If their was 78 kids in your school with the H1N1 would you as a parent want a letter to come home stating that the swine flu is at the school?

The principal when I talked to him acted like that that wasn't necessary, or that he wasn't going to do anything about it.. ugh.. yes, It doesn't kill, but kids with underlining health, it is very bad.. Kono is one of them, and he is struggling.

If you get the swine flu... this is what 2 doctors have told me....

1. If H1N1 is present.. don't take the tamiflu.. it will only make your symptoms 10 to 20 percent better, and truthfully, i wouldn't give it to my own children.

2. Both doctors would not get the swine flu vaccine. nuff said..

sorry is probably sounding a big down, but I feel down, actually I feel like death is on my shoulders.. I know he is not, but just let me have my pitty party...


have a great week!

Does anyone want to come and play?

25 coments:

Kara said...

We live in Arizona. My husband was diagnosed with H1N1, the only offical diagnosis in our family. But, his doctor suspects that our older two girls, Adeline and Anaya, probably had it as well. It was much harder on him. The girls got over it pretty quickly.

Good luck, I hope you all feel better!

shauna said...

It doesn't pass over the internet right? I am sure it will find us eventually. I should probably make a couple of freezer meals just in case. The world stops when mom is sick.

Hope you guys get feeling better SOON!

Jillene said...

So sorry for your household!! I hope that everyone gets feeling better soon!!

And--you are entitled to a pity party at this point!!

Mia said...

I hope you all start feeling better!

Sue said...

yuk!! it is coming our way.

I'm not sold on getting the vaccine though.

This is going to be an interesting year.

Get better my dear!

Erin said...

I'm so sorry! I really hope you will all be feeling better very soon.

Stacie S-H said...

scary! i hope everyone recovers and is back to normal within due time. If people catch H1N1 once, can they get it again?

Jen Sue Wild said...

I am so sorry that it has hit your family so bad..

I cant belive the school did nothing about it .
We get daily calls telling us how to wash our hands and if your child has a fevor don't send them untill it has boke for 24 hours.

I hope you all get well soon.

Messy Jess said...

Boy, this is worse than your diaper in the dryer moment. I have your family in my thoughts and prayers. Every one of you. Jess

Kristina P. said...

What a bummer! I can't believe this is still going around!

mCat said...

Holy Shnikees!!!

Do you have a big "quarantined" sign on your front door.

And no you are not babies. HiN1 is horrid and most people who have had it, feel like they would rather die.

Good thoughts your way!

The 4-Crows Blog said...

My DD is better, her fever finally broke Tuesday morning about 2AM, I finally went to the grocery store today w/ her (over 24 hours fever free right?) Did you see my post. They wouldn't eve tell me for sure what type of flu it was. LOL! Anyway, hope your family is well soon. Saying a prayer for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh! i hope it goes away soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sues2u2 said...

I hope you guys get better quickly!

My kids attend a k - 8th grade school (public but very rural!) & out of maybe 52 7th graders there were only 11 in one class & 9 in the other. 32 were out sick. That doesn't even count the rest of the school. Yeah, no note yet other than if your kid is sick to keep them home.

gigi said...


hoLLy said...

ella had it last week! very high fevers for 5 nights straight. coughing so hard she was puking. headache/bodyache. the rest of the kids are fine so far-phew(knock on wood!). and so far, all i got was a miserable cold that is finally leaving. i never got a fever or aches and pains. just miserable cold symptoms for 4-5 days. weird. anyways, i hope you guys all get over it quick. some people are experiencing it different than others it seems-sorry it is hitting you so hard:(

Kerri said...

Well ,now I'm worried since we are in the same town! I'm so sorry and I really hope you all get feeling better very soon. It makes me want to keep my kids home for a couple of weeks. I especially hope the baby is okay since he just had pneumonia.

Colette S said...

OH sweetie. I'm sorry. I will be praying that you all fight through it quickly! I'm starting to think that school is scary!


Jamie said...

DANG PIGS!!!!! Keep your ugly germs to yourself! Shame on that principal. Parents need to be informed. We are being told to keep our kids home even if they have a tiny cough. I can see that deliquent parent truency letter being mailed right now to half our city. So Sorry you are all unwell. Prayers and ((Hugs))I am no fan of flu shots either........

tiki_lady said...

OH NO! you guys have had a go at this!

Family said...

OK OK you all think you ahve have it bad.... Now I can never go see my sister because they are all infected and my brother and his entire family have the stinkin swine flu as well so I can not go see him either! Humph... Keep your kids away from school! It is the SMART thing to do!!

Steven, Kimberly and Gavin said...

hi my name is Kimberly Clayton.. i love your blog. you are so clever wise and together dang funny. thank you for sharing all your thoughts. i'm not a crazy person just a friend of a friend. let me know if and where i can donate for your little girls classed

Lillian J. Banks said...

My blogger did not show this post, darn it, but I am glad to see it now- you poor gal, As if you guys need one more Dr. Apt !!!!
I remember growing up with six kids and our van could drive to the night dr., Er, and office by itself.

Hang in there- we need a big bad wolf to scare the little pigs away.

tiburon said...

Eek! I heard it was moving north. I hope you all bounce back really soon.

samiam said...

Oh yuck. I have been out of the blog loop so I had no idea. This sucks but sounds like you are all doing better. *Hugs*