Sunday, March 23, 2008

What Easter is to me, and my children.

When I think of Easter day, I remember a story that was once told to me, There was a teenage girl who the bishop came to their house and sat the family down, and told them that their father had been killed in a car accident. This girl who I will call Rachelle, was devastated, the whole family was, but of course she went on with her life, but not happy. She was very sad, knowing her hero, would never see her first date, her wedding, her children. One day the bishop saw that Rachelle was very upset, but did not ever want to talk about it, took her into his office and tried to get something out, but Rachelle did not budge, she was sat their with a stone cold face, so the bishop started talking about her dad knowing that was the reason she was so sad. Rachelle finally broke down and starting crying, telling the bishop that she "oh so missed her dad." This story is a sad and unconcluding story.
When Jesus died on the cross, and after 3 days time resurrected, he gave everyone a chance to live again, that does have a concluding story, Rachelle story, although it was hard, their father would one day to comeback to meet them, and his love for them will even be stronger, see that my friends, it is not a sad unconcluding story after all,because of our savior Jesus Christ Rachelle will also one day will get a joyful conclusion to their story. That is what Easter is all about....
ok enough of the spiritual for the moment, as you see in the photos, Easter for the children, although they know what the true meaning is because we drill it into their heads, they love the Easter egg hunts, the party's, the egg decorating, and of course Easter bunny. (Easter bunny makes small and sweet) just the way I like it. Everyone probably disagrees with me on the whole egg decorating deal, if you have 6 children, let me tell you it is not that fun, the mess, the mess, and did I mention mess. It would be ok if there wasn't egg die involved in the pitcher. It is really hard not to stain everyone and everything, but every year we do it, and every year we have fun with it, and just think, only 364 more days till we have to do it again..:} On another note, baby was being too much help, so Maka opted to take him outside to play while we finished up in the house. After awhile they came back in the house, Maka had a strange look on his face so I asked what was up, he then scolded US, and said, when you guys go outside to play you have to watch him very closely. We just all said, yea, ok, then Maka said he almost got hit by a car, then I thought to myself, wait a minute, YOU were watching him or was suppose to be watching him, that was on your shift, but then was just thankful he was not hurt and everything is ok.
We are Glad for Easter, but we are glad the crazy is over for awhile, although we get one week of rest then we go to April, in April, we have April 2 birthday, April 5 Th birthday, general conference weekend, a baby coming sometime, spring break, and to top it off they want to try to induce, a week early, that baby then would be born on April 8Th, NO THANK YOU, I never want to be induced again, and #2 reason, baby would be the 3rd child born in less than one week,,, I will let him come when he is ready, and I will save some of the sanity I that lost 4 years ago......
(by the way, sorry I know that this is not a novel, it's a blog. but It's also my journal, so be patient)


3 coments:

Mia said...

Thanks for finding my blog :) I will be checking yours out too if that is ok. I am with you on the whole egg dyeing mess... it is a mess. I only have two kids and I felt like I was up to my elbows in pink and purple and blue and green. Your kids are adorable!

Brenda said...

Happy Easter! I can't believe you were scolded!

Anonymous said...

What a great story. You house is to cute!