Tuesday, January 20, 2009

To Tell or Not to Tell!

I was boycotting posting today, but I gave in.

Here is my version of Tanja's "To Tell or Not to Tell"

1. I am not ashamed of my country today. Boo'ing the President of the United States..


2. I did not chuckle at my 5 year old when I picked her up from school today..

Me- did you watch the inauguration today?

Lavi- What?

Me- never mind.

Lavi_ oh is that when the black evil man became president?

3. I did not in no way call our utilities and yell at them.. I did not freak out when I could not find my can of trash.

4. We are not dealing with Strep Throat at my house or Pneumonia. It bites big time. but I am not telling you that only one person has both of those things.. That would be horrible.

5. I did not hand over my mother of the year award and give it to a lady at the store yesterday.. She did not have a coat on herself, and left her little baby in a coat. It was not 9 degrees outside. I heart my award too much.

6. I did not make a fool of myself yesterday in my post.. I couldn't do that, I am 100% not blond.

That is all folks, got to fly....

Have a great rest of the night.

15 coments:

Kristina P. said...

I hope everyone starts feeling better!

CJ, The Purple Diva said...

OH NO DEVRI! SICK FAMILY? That's AWFUL! I am so sorry! Hope everyone feels better.
I did not laugh at your first two comments to this post. That would mean I would agree with you and think that it was SO true how you are feeling and that I felt the same way. Would I do that? :-)

HaYn Mama said...

Oh your daughter's comment was just the best thing I heard today.

I'm needing to pray for a reason to love our new commander-in-chief.

I am praying that your family gets better... ew I hate strep!


tammy said...

I knew CJ would be laughing at those first two. Evil black man. Hmmm...where did she hear that?

Anonymous said...

You are cracking me up with the first two comments and I am sorry about your family being sick.

Hang in there---

Renee said...

Oh no! Not such a good day...but I disagree with you about your previous post. It might be my most favorite post in the whole blogging world.

Hang in there. I hope everyone gets well soon.

rachel said...

I soooo agree with you! What was up with the booing? Hope you feel better :)

Melissa P said...

The inauguration thing made me laugh. I didn't even watch. I am still trying to be in denial. My five year old got in the car after Kindergarten and told me Obama got put in today and went on to tell me how much he hated him. Maybe I have said too much in front of my kids. Good job on winning the blog makeover.

Misty said...

hope you all feel better !! i too was pretty upset about the booing of Bush. but at the same time i am happy that my mixed race son can see that anything is possible for people of all colors...maybe obama is evil and maybe he isn't the answer for our country, but it's not because of the color of his skin!! i hope my son doesn't hear stuff like that, but I'm sure he will come acrossed it soon enough :(...

SuperCoolMom said...

Kids can sometimes nail it on the head. Sorry someone's sick. That always stinks, even when you can find your trash can.

Kristen said...

Glad you decided to post this. I hope everyone in your house feels better soon!

Family said...

Sickness go away! I can't believe you won Purple Diva's contest! Blessings to you.

Tara D. said...

I hope that whoever is sick gets to feeling better. And I got a laugh out of this post, too. Thanks! :)

Joann said...

Okay, I had lost track of you for a while. I was wondering when ou might be joining us on the hair-blog circuit again. Then, I read your story about going out to dinner. Oh boy! I am laughing my brains out but that is TOTALLY something I would be capable of! Way to go! I hope you are all feeling better soon. And I hope to see you on the Mullet soon, too! You know what I mean!

Elizabeth said...

So do you speak Tongan? If so .......how did you go about learning and again, if so, do you happen to have a talent for learning languages? My husband knows 4 languages. He was obviously blessed with a talent. Me? Not so much! I have the tapes and book by President Shumway, but still can't do it! I'm retarded!!