

Stuff you need to survive!
You can get them in 250, 300, or 500 gallon bags,
The spout is at the bottom, not the top.
And they stack... I am in heaven. They even say they don't take up much more room than a fridge would....
I am thinking 4 bags for our family at 500.00 a bag.
Do you think I could get someone to sponsor these. lol
Thankful Thursday....
I am thankful for nice people, cuz MEAN people SUCK!!
I am thankful for rain. (I am saying it so it will stop!)
I am thankful for my family's health and strength.
I am thankful for food storage and that I am actually getting my stash going. (a little at a time)
I am for my mother and my sister, they sponsored Aanya's state meet, so she could attend it!
Plus- they just rock period!
I am thankful for the great husband that I have, and for my gorgeous children.(a little biast)
18 coments:
Those are awesome for sure. I love the whole concept. Who sales them Devri?
Husbands are the best. And I am glad you are stocking up the food.
Yes, I'm also interested in who sells them and where you can get them. I've got 4 of those blue barrels and they are a pain.
Yes FAMILY rocks! So glad yours can help out.
So glad you are feeling better too :)
Sunshine and smiles.
I wish I had somewhere to store all that water... will someone sponsor me to build a garage or even a shed for me to store that water, LOL!
how wonderful that your mom and sis paid for your daughter's stuffs! what a blessing!
where do you find those square water containers? I used to have some 30 gal blue ones...sold them to friends in need. i do need to get something else to store water in though. I have about 20 cases of bottled water stacked up in a corner in my kitchen area. sigh.
Where do we get those? Love the idea are they hard to move? Love your thankful thursdays
Wow, those are cool! Where do you even put them?
Now that is some mega water!! You could even take a bath in one eh?
Alright, so we're all gonna lose it if you don't tell us where to find those awesome water dealios. Seriously cool!
I'm thankful for rain too (make it stop!).
Those are some awesome water jugs. We have been working on our food storage a little bit at a time too!
I am thankful for milk and powdered doughnuts after a LONG day!
Whoa! Those things are huge. I'm with everybody else...where do you get them?
Cool! Hope you have a super weekend!
♥ Hugs ♥
LOVING the new header photo! that is so adorable! :)
and those storage thingies are great!
It's settled. When the disaster strikes, I'm coming to your house! I'll swap water for peanut butter...
I want to know where you get them also... and if I can get them in Canada??
Have a great day ~
Love the "smallest to largest" progression! (and omigosh that picture of all the heads in the sand is AWESOME, Devri!)
(Thanks so much for commenting on Saturday Snapshots! Email me ---cheryl [at ] Twinsights [dot] com with a mailing address and I'll send you the bookmark and coupon!)
Love your posts - I haven't been on for awhile - I love it that you are so thankful.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the best water storage EVER! I gotta remember those...
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