Sunday, August 23, 2009

Monday Memories

(this happened Saturday)

I hopped out of my car, my husband grabbed me.. jk... just seeing if your really reading this...

he grabbed my crutches, and we headed into walmart.... I decided to crutch through the store because their was only one chairmobile left, and I knew a little old lady was walking through the door after me...

As we were doing our grocery shopping I heard a voice... This voice told me to slow down...

"What? me slow down" I am already going slow.." I kept hopping along next to my hubbster...

I swear I was hearing things.. next I heard this voice telling me to turn around.. I ignored it..

I went to reach for some Sunny D...................what?

Then I caught up with the hunk o hunk of burning love....

He turned to me, and asked if I was ok.. I was shocked.. Awe, he really does care....

I said I was ok, he said, good, can you go get me some peanuts...

Oh for the love of almighty.... That was almost a in the dog house moment fo sho!!!!

shhh don't tell....

I heard this voice again.. slow down, turn around, stop!

ok ok, I ignored it again....

As I was headed back up to put the peanuts in the basket, I pounded my crutches on the last step because I was cruising... (you would have been proud)

As I took that last step, my crutch landed in some spilt milk...

I fell to the ground.. Not only did I fall to the ground, I took the whole shopping cart with me...

For the love of my bad luck! Me, my crutches, my food, my basket.... All over the ground...

And alls my other half could do was laugh....

You see, if you don't listen.. You get burned!!!!

lol that is all I have to say today! the end...

boring I know... I will get my groove back some day, if not you might just have to run away...

nothing worse than a boring blogger!!!



Guess where I am going today (ok today in 34 minutes)

Injury lawyer.. lol Sigfried and Jensen.. wonder which one I got... Wish them

We are not going after the swimming pool, we are going after the manufacturer.. you see, the state law is to have a 3 and a half foot swimming pool slide entrance, and it states that it is only 36 inches..

do you see the coins rolling in my eye balls?

have a great day!!!

22 coments:

tiki_lady said...

for all the luck! I'm so sorry. But, so that was you who took out all of aisle 7! LOL,
Dev, its so nice to be married to a Tongan and his ability to laugh, isn't it?? LOL. I'm kidding! Good luck in getting the slots to land on the jack pot! at least to cover all the medical expenses. I hope your foot heals without surgery.

mCat said...

Um, I really hate to admit this, but I think I might have laughed to. AFTER I made sure you were okay!!! Of course!

You need to get better soon and I hope you're able to get some help with the expenses. You'll have lots to post about the adventure with Seigfried and/or Jensen.

Hillary said...

i'm glad you've contacted a lawyer. it's better to have someone on your side who knows what to do! just remember to be prepared to wait.. which i was, sortof, but ugh... the other side really likes to drag their feet!!!
hang in there, babe. good luck!!

oh, and listen next time. hopefully you didn't hurt yourself.. maybe you'll be a lawsuit magnet!

The 4-Crows Blog said...

Oh girl....I so feel your pain and frustration! Just wait until you finally go to Wal-mart without the crutches and it takes you 3 hours to shop! Exhausting!

hoLLy said...

you deserve some sweet mulah and i hope you get it!

sorry about the walmart incident, but i'm sure you are laughing now about it right? well, i am anyways. . .:)

Melissa P said...

That doesn't sound like a fun fall. I am terrible about laughing when people get hurt. It is just a reaction I have. I hope things work out for you.

Liz Mays said...

Oh geez, I can't believe you fell. Are you ok?

Good luck with the lawsuit!

Sue said...

seriously girl!! you crack me up with your bad luck!

maybe it's going to turn around with the lawyer thing. These guys are good. If anyone can do it they will.

Ane said...

Ouch! Sheesh! I would laugh but it sounds like something I would do because I am clumsy like that!

Well you won my giveaway!!
Wanchai Ferry is coming your way! ;)

Kristina P. said...

Good luck with the lawyer! I hope you get some good news.

Kristie said...

I'm relieved to hear you are going after the pool! Now you might want to look into the grocery store.

tammy said...

I hate it when I don't listen to those voices. Good luck with the attorney!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

LOL... I'm sorry, I had to laugh.. I can just imagine doing that myself WITHOUT crutches!

Good luck at the lawyers! :)

shauna said...

You are so lucky that you didn't break something else!

Good luck with the law suit. What a pain.

Jamie said...

You gotta be kiddin me...... This is not boring blogging:) So glad you were not hurt. Good luck with the lawyers!!

Cynthia said...

You should be really glad I wasn't there because I have the unfortunate trait of laughing at inopportune times AND a love of physical comedy. I might have been on the ground next to you but only because I was rolling with laughter!

PS- the pettiskirt giveaway is up if you want to try and win one for your ladies. The waist is adjustable so they could all fit in the same skirt- you'd just have to deal with them all fighting over it. LOL!

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Um, I mean, oh my gosh are you OK? Not a boring post at all.

Winks & Smiles,

Kaci said...

Ooooo the horror!! I'm sorry...sue Wal-Mart! :)

gigi said...

You've got to listen! Isn't that what you tell your kids, listen?

Good luck with the lawyers :)

Renee said...

Do you think the grocery security cameras caught that fall? AND do you think they watched it over and over and laughed? You know they did! Seriously, hope you're OK! That totally sounds like something I would do!!!

samiam said...

Oh Dear. Another one bites the dust.... lol Sorry chick, feel better soon!

Lillian J. Banks said...

wow- good luck with that- Maybe you should stay home, inside, in bed, just for a while :)