Monday, May 24, 2010

People Come ON!!!!!

This is a open letter to all it may concern. That means, if you fit one of these catagories.. Please Change :)

Stop texting and driving.. really, are you that cool? You'll think your cool once you kill a family cuz you had to text... "what ya doing" on your dumb phone!

Stop texting and going potty! I heard ya.. click, click, plop! really! Come ON!!!

Stop looking at me like I have a disease, I have bad teeth, I have no enamel on them, and can't bleach them. Don't worry all you ghost whiters! I am getting porcelain crowns just for you! Some lady, said to me the other day, as she looked at my teeth.. You know you can buy teeth whiteners at Walmart! Come On Really?

Stop trying to be my friend, then going behind my back and stabbing me.. Come on Really, I am a big girl, with a big Butt! I can take it! :)

Stop at a red light, NOT when it is yellow.. Some peoples are in a hurry out there! just saying!

Stop pretending you don't fart!

Stop acting like you don't care! Come on Really? Everyone cares, and if you really don't... Please change, thank you!

Stop being mean! Mean people suck.. Turn in your mean card for the nice one, it will make your life so much happier! just saying....again. :)

thank you!

Love ME!

10 coments:

Renee said...

Mean people do suck.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I agree mean people suck. And I don't text while pooing... But... I sometimes catching myself checking my phone while driving and I get so mad at myself!

Bad habits are hard to break!

Kristina P. said...

I only text when I'm stopped at a light.

Tara D. said...

I admit it when I fart. I'm only mean to those who deserve it. I don't text and drive, I let my passengers do the texting for me. I love you no matter what you look like, and I won't point out your flaws. But...sometimes when you have to "go", you have to go, lol. Don't worry, I limit this family only. And I save the flushing for later. TMI perhaps? Why yes, I think so...

mCat said...

I with KP - I text at the stoplights. That's okay right?

Stacie S-H said...

boo to the lady who told you about teeth whiteners at walmart. so rude!

Cheeseboy said...

Could be worse. i recently caught a family member on their laptop, on the potty.

Judi said...

I always tell my kids that Moms don't fart!!

Jamie said...

I agree, with all of it!!

Messy Jess said...

This totally made my day....