Friday, November 12, 2010

Count your Blessings

Sorry for no photos to make this less boring, I am typing this from the hospitals lame computer. Kono was admitted yesterday evening for Croup. He is alright, no worries. Although the police who pulled me over last night on my way to the hospital was a WEE BIT nervous.

You see, my licence plate tags have been expired since September, I knew about it, we have meant to renew, but just umm lets say busy (to cover my butt) to get it done. I transported Kono with a portable oxygen tank up the nose, and window rolled down down to a city in on the map, driving the speed limit (a bit over) of course. The doctor told me to hurry and go straight there, so naturally SOMETHING would go wrong. duh!

Drove through an intersection, I noticed lights flashing, I knew it wasn't for me, so I didn't bother looking back, then the siren went off (how much attention do I need? really!) I looked back, started to pull over trying to think what the crap did I just do? I sat there frozen, not from the cold, but I was in shock, WHAT NOW?

embarrassingly he knocked on my window a couple of times before I came to realize.. #heydummythatisyou, rolldownyourwindow! He told me he pulled me over for expired plates, and asked me if I knew. For some reason the words didn't register, cuz he got no response and had to ask me again................ I looked over and said.. "Oh no, sorry I didn't".. He asked for my licence I reach over almost ready to flat out bawl, holding it, I handed it to him. He new something was wrong, cuz of the tears in my eyes, he not noticing Kono in the back, I told him this-"Please I am not trying to be rude, but I need you to hurry, I am suppose to get my babe right to the hospital because he is suppose to be admitted. He looked back at Kono, looked at my licence, handed me back my licence, and said-

Get your plates renewed, get to the hospital,


I am thankful for small blessings in the mist of trials we have, no one in the worst of times, can not tell me that, if you look, you can see your blessings, Go Ahead...

Name them one by one.

9 coments:

weasel said...

Very cool! Hope Kono gets feeling better!

Nicole Marie said...

whew! Be strong mama. :)

Erin said...

I'm so glad the policeman had compassion on you! And I'm glad Kono is doing a little bit better (I read your facebook update). I'll be praying for your family today.

tammy said...

This made me cry, just to see the compassion from him at a time I know you couldn't deal with one more thing.

Family said...

Love you

Unknown said...

I am happy that there are nice policemen in the world, but how come I never get any of them to pull me over? LOL

I am so relieved that Kono is under care because I have heard that croup is really bad this year. They have had several deaths in CA this year. I am so happy that he is getting the care that will get him better.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

VERY nice cop, so glad you didn't get ticketed!! Hope Kono is doing better!!!

HaYn Mama said...

so glad they didn't impound your vehicle... what a blessing! and that Kono is ok now :)

Unknown said...

Oh I am sorry.. But I actually liked reading this post. My prayers are with you.